Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Man Who Won The War

Captain Travis Patriquin,

We hardly knew ye ...

Capt. Patriquin devised a cartoon solution to our challenging and, up to then, failing presence in Iraq. He was killed by an IED in December of 2006, but his ideas, his solutions and his “dumb it down for the politicians” attitude, are uniformly responsible for our national survival and the new trend of undeniable success in “The Sandbox”.

His stick figure presentation, titled “How To Win In Al Anbar” is something no one in the command chain, least of all at The W. House, wants us to celebrate. Your humble Cowboy, long tired of politicians abusing the label “hero”, offers this humble reminder of who the greatest hero of the W. Bush years is. Without him we would not be winning.

Mission accomplished Captain Patriquin.

Thanks for playing

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