Friday, January 18, 2008

The Enemy of A Nut-Job is My Friend

I have started a collection of illegally placed "Ron Paul" signage from the neighborhood. 

I have it, from my usually accurate sources,  that the local high school stoners have joined the 'Bong Paul' crusade due to his "Legalize Marijuana" platform. 

These promising young dissidents obviously enjoy hanging illegal political signage. Your humble host enjoys good political sport. The stoner kids giveth and The Cowboy taketh away....

This my top ten R.P.-inciting list. It was composed while waiting for a red light to turn green adjacent to an illegal campaign sign:

Top Ten Reasons why I love the 9/11 conspiring, vote stealing bastards that Ron Paul's paranoid supporters are always ranting against:

10)  The send The Teams  to kill savages before the reach our shore.

9) They fight about wether 2 or 4 parts per billion is the acceptable limit for toxins in my bath water.

8) My stocks are still up for the 12 months ended January 18th 2008

7) We make planes that don't blow up now, even when crashed so hard the wings are torn apart.

6) Our Doctors still cure more diseases than all the others on the planet combined.

5) Why obsess with Ron when we have TED ?

4) They Killed Elvis, but let Dave Alvin Live

3) Even you paranoid  R. P. freaks would be shocked at how close they watch you.

2) They already have iodine tablets stocked for my family, in case one gets through.

1) One doesn't get through.

Thanks for playing..

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