Saturday, January 12, 2008

Election Times

Election Times is Come!

Here, at the barn, iTunes is on permanent dedicated access standby, for background music support. The three young 'uns are sent off to the big State College; a dowager's long day theater group; and some kind of secular kiddie care with the new double learnin' and every-day-all-day option. Pure Hawaiian Coffee, by the kilo, is cached in the cupboards. Anchor Steam beer and Old Portero Whiskey  are stacked like cordwood in the halls. 
It's the New Weather now,  if'n  you believe it or not.  Spring come early this year, so if your corn ain't in, you best be dragging you Rose-o-Sharron for that great western Garden of Eden or you'll be croppin tubers afore the bowl day comes.
The official BOAC election watch season has begun....

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