Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Think Tank vs Gas Tank

Open Letter
Drew Johnson
Tennessee Center for Policy Research

RE: Al Gore Abuse of Power Exposed

Dear Drew,

Commendations on your national press today regarding the Gore's Abuse of Power.

Your attack presence in the political campaign cycle is a breath of fresh air for those of us who seek relief from the almost daily show of sophisticated, compassionate and philosophical discourse that has come to threaten America's public policy community. The simple efficiency and pride with which you have joined into a public policy debate, outside of your stated core mission, set just the kind of example I seek in raising conservative, intellectually disciplined children of faith. You have helped assure that a proud and honorable tradition of anti-intellectual, verbal scapegoat terrorism continues for another great American election cycle.

You were additionally helpful for me in evaluating your foundation's place as an American political entity, (as opposed to a philosophical birth place for inconvenient questions about the human journey of faith, truth and humility). The organizational acumen you implemented by plowing through a prominent American's trash was only superseded by the media savvy you demonstrated in passing someone else's utility bill off as a unique entry into the USA-led discourse of ideas on this monumental issue.

You are sure to enter the proud roll call as a blessed little "Point of Light" in our new American Century.

As a minor philanthropist I also apreciate your assistance in helping me see a worthy cause for this coming year. I do try and help those who have been bumped off the moral path return to a life of faith. I will be donating a significant carbon offset to the Gore facility you exposed, and if it is not a problem I will make sure they are aware of the source of my inspiration (to help them see the error of their ways.)

Thank you again for the brave stand you have taken on your little soapbox.


Blog of A Cowboy

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