Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Your Humble Cowboy Approves This Message

One outfit recently published a book consisting of other people's six word autobiographies. Said lazy-man’s haiku assemblage was not, therefore, even written by the “authors”. One wishes any story was really simple enough to be axe-chipped down to a six word story line. Even if the minds who conceived the words aren't getting credit or money.

The Cowboy celebrates this kind of intellectual discipline and hard work. It makes America Great. Well, lately it makes us a global melting pot of lazy and greedy creative plagiarism. William F. Buckley is dead, so we must embrace the new style.

In a way though, The Cowboy sees a beauty in the form and format. Our current media era is defined by unsophisticated ticker-scrolled headlines. From Presidential candidates to smash-mouth athletes, America is being drowned by precisely packaged, creatively recycled, overly sober and woefully un-original voices.

Here are a few current headlines, all in 6 words or less. In tribute to the hero of your (ex) Cowboy: She is a 45+ divorced, stay-at-home mother of four from the frozen heartland. She struggles each Monday to reach out to the world of her former dreams in staccato e-mail missives. Her freak flag flies tattered, bloody and unbowed.

1)Jack Nicholson Ad: “I Approved this.”

2)Four More Murders, This Time Memphis.

3) Chavez Ally Killed, Probably The Teams.

4) CDC: “Hepatitis Outbreak Tip of Iceberg.”

5) 17, 275, 442, 5,377, 61,655; Favre

6) Warren Buffet says: This is Recession.

7) N. B. A. : All About Kobe

8) Experience Vs Dreams, Texas and Ohio.

9) Man in Ricin Investigation A Loner

10) First Ever Images: Avalanche on Mars

The Cowboy Thanks You For Playing

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